The clinic
Our private practice operates since 2008, under Dr. Dionysis Zacharopoulos’ supervision.
In 2015 Dental Smiles’ operations have been enhanced with a specialized team of dentists, covering an extended range of our patients’ dental care needs.
Our mission is to provide our patients with the opportunity to enjoy a broad spectrum of dental services, exploiting the experience of our specialised dental professionals team.
In Dental Smiles, we utilise the latest available technology and developments in medicine and dental science to achieve the best possible results for each of our patients.
Our team has extended experience, gained both in Greece and other European countries, while we always keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the sector through, seminars, congresses and training opportunities.
Our goal is each of our patients to be fully satisfied both in terms of the procedure as well as the final result.
In Dental Smiles we believe in happy and healthy smiles!
DentalSmiles Athens
Monis Petraki 5 Kolonaki - 11521 Greece