Complete – Partial Dentures

Complete dentures

In patients who have lost all of their teeth in either the upper or lower jaw, the option of a complete denture is very logical. To fabricate it, the dentist takes an impression of the mouth so that the denture can be fabricated in such a way that it “cups” in the patient’s mouth. The color and shape of the teeth is an important choice that is made with the patient in order to achieve aesthetic satisfaction. Total dentures also contribute to facial aesthetics. After the loss of teeth, the lips and cheeks remain unsupported resulting in crowding. With dentures the support is restored and the face retains its aesthetics.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures are similar to full dentures except that they do not replace all the teeth but some of them. To make them, the dentist takes an impression of the area and the denture is made in the laboratory. The goal is to “cup” the node (toothless) areas and replace the deficit. It also has a metal frame and hooks that rest on the natural teeth and provide support, retention and stability

Both partial and full dentures should be removed during the day to prevent irritation of the oral mucosa.

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